David Chipperfield
david chipperfield
david chipperfield
London architect who started to work with Rogers and Foster. He studied in London, Tokyo, Milan, Berlin and Shanghai. In 2010, he became Knight of the United Kingdom for his architecture successes.
Peter Wirtz
peter wirtz
peter wirtz
Landscape architect of great talent who owns the biggest study of landscape architecture in Belgium. At the suggestion of Chipperfield, his private villa has been paved with our classic red cotto.
Lello Esposito
lello esposito
lello esposito
He lives between Naples and New York. Sculptor and painter, he works on Naples and its symbols from about 30 years. Over the years, he visited our furnaces and produced Pulcinella images scratching large slabs of fresh clay or shaping his face in gigantic dimensions.
Horst Simonis
horst Simonis
horst Simonis
Since he has always represented the ceramics best expert, there was always a kind of awe when you talked (for advice or for a simple exchange) with the Engineer Simonis, even knowing the respect he felt for Rufoli’s riggiole (a type of tiles).
Pasquale Persico
pasquale persico
pasquale persico
Serendipity, the spark that lights the fire. Pasquale Persico has gone beyond a simple and traditional way of doing business, eviscerating a living force to light new flames with new perspectives for future and futuristic projects.
nina ives
nina ives
Nina Ives, Interior Designer of Wilton (CT), after seeing the floors of Le Sirenuse Hotel at Positano asked us to collaborate on ongoing projects. The new frontier offered to the ancient tradition the ability to create new wonders.
Fausta Gaetani
fausta gaetani
fausta gaetani
The beginning was the lobby of Le Sirenuse at Positano: a unique and very complex refinement in a wonderful location where the Rufoli cotto (a type of paving) acquires the delicate and classy taste of Mrs. Fausta. And many other times have always confirmed these harmonies.
Ugo Marano
ugo marano
ugo marano
Majestic in appearance, as in its pure art. Impressive, with the great ability to allow people to enjoy himself as a source of clear water. Never half-measures, just a unique purity. His footprint is heavy, and influential.
remo d'anzuoni
remo d'anzuoni
His love for the Rufoli cotto is a true membership. His ability to work out and shape the cotto like fresh clay is quite unique. He has always encouraged, pushed, seconded, accompanied.
Massimo Zompa
massimo zompa
massimo zompa
His mastery over cotto and tozzetti (small square tiles), and irregular shapes geometries, is still unique. Among various works, we can remember Christian De Sica’s home or the paving at Carlo Verdone’s home.