20 / Dec / 2022


Dear Jurnale, how are you? I haven’t written to you much, but there are a lot of news which I promise to tell you as soon as possible.


However, I wanted to share two good news with you: the first is that I have finally found the photos of the notarial deed, kept in the ancient Abbey of the Santissima Trinità of Cava de’ Tirreni, where we read that in 1479, on August 10 to be precise , my ancestor Carlo De Martino, one of the first Maestri de Cotto of the family, sold to Colamatteo Ruggi d’Aragona, marquis and knight of the order of Malta, terracotta tiles for the roof of his building, one of the most evocative of Salerno of the time which still has its prestige today, so much so that it hosts the “Superintendence for architectural and landscape assets for the provinces of Salerno and Avellino”.

And speaking of history, the second novelty is something we thought we’d do just to remember the origins of our Furnace. A graphic novel that imagines, in a fantastic key, the real meeting between Carlo and Colamatteo; an illustrated and hand-colored story, as befits a Cotto almost 600 years old and perhaps more.



What do you think about it? I hope you like it. Meanwhile, I greet you with the usual: What has been will be.