20 / Jun / 2016

Comedy, tragedy and philosophy under the stars

VeliaTeatro: the ancient theater festival in the land of Parmenides

Dear Jurnale,
do you know what do Fornace De Martino and VeliaTeatro have in common? The love of culture and art declined in all its forms, the promotion of the past and the rediscovery of a heritage to protect. VeliaTeatro is a festival on the tragic and the comic in ancient theater that, in the next August evenings, will take place (it is the nineteenth edition) in the Archaeological Park of Elea-Velia (Ascea), on the coast of Cilento. An exceptional place, with an unique historical-cultural value: in the fifth century B.C., the famous philosophers Parmenides and Zeno lived here, and now this place is preserved as a World Heritage Site by Unesco.


And the Festival inspired by the greek and roman repertory will take place just at the foot of the monumental medieval tower overlooking the acropolis of the ancient city.
Artistic Director Michele Murino fully expresses the passion and dedication for this important event. “The festival – he says – was created in 1998 to characterize the archaeological site through a unique event that is closely linked to the type of place. A commitment always pursued in the past 18 editions. And the recent patronage granted by the Ministry of Heritage and Culture and Tourism makes us proud and, at the same time, it is a reason for further dedication and responsibility”. VeliaTeatro wants to bring classical theater in real classical places and also wants to enhance the Archeological Park Elea-Velia in all its historical and cultural essence. Word and storytelling, face and body will reveal the human essence.


This year, the festival has also received the authoritative patronage of the most important theatrical institution in Italy: the National Academy of Dramatic Art Silvio d’Amico. VeliaTeatro, just as Furnace De Martino, is nationally and internationally appreciated for its artistic peculiarities and believes in the goodness of art and culture that belongs to us. In our creations there is a knowledge that has been handed down over time and fuses together with art. I would dare to almost say that we address the same type of audience: those who long for art and culture of every kind. My dear Jurnale, waiting to enjoy the show in August, I salute you with the usual phrase, a perfect phrase to express the VeliaTeatro essence:
What has been, will be again.